A principal topic at the sew systems gmbh are the areas of medical informatics and bioinformatics. Following a selection of successfully completed projects in these fields of application can be found.
GenSpeed - GenSpeed is an in vitro diagnostic platform for the analysis of bacterial or viral infections. It is primarily intended for use in medical practices and is directly connected to doctor information systems. It allows rapid, sensitive and quantitative diagnostics of infectious diseases and therefore enables the doctor to make treatment decisions within minutes.
MAPS - MAPS (Material Administration and Preparation System) is a comprehensive management software (usually called LIMS) for biological material of different quality and has been specially designed for use in small and medium sized research laboratories. The flexibility of Maps allows quick and easy adaptation to frequently changing requirements and provides the basis for a variety of analytics like transcriptomics, proteomics, etc..
Armor - Armor (Armor-thosis) is a movement robot for stroke patients and patients with traumatic brain injury, suffering from paralysis of the arm. The robot helps the patient to learn meaningful movement patterns again and to retrain these movements.
RheumExpert - RheumExpert is a medical expert system (Decision Support System) for the diagnosis of diseases of the rheumatic type for use by physicians in private practice. RheumExpert supports physicians in the differential diagnosis decision in rheumatic diseases and provides interfaces to medical practice software systems.
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All projects listed above were implemented either completely, partly or with the participation of either the sew systems gmbh, formerly Software Engineering Weichselbaum, or of Otto Weichselbaum ad personam, either as a contractor, sub-contractor or as an employee and are merely illustrative of the know-how at sew systems gmbh.